We invite you to join our community, to share photographs and tell stories of your Force Fin adventures.
Force Fin has given Susanne and I the opportunity to dive in many beautiful places and to meet extraordinary water people – like you. Here we will publish our stories, and yours. As we progress each image will link through to more photographs, videos and stories, and our images and adventures will be replaced with yours.
Your submission can be as simple as photograph “where seen,” or a gallery of images, video, story, or stories. If you have any problems with submission, questions, or comments, please contact me, subject line: Submissions. To contact me directly use my name as one word at forcefin.com.
Thank you and welcome,

Bob Evans, President Master Fin Designer, Artist, Visionary, Photographer
Love my Force Fin and credit them for saving my dive career, due to ankle and foot injury was not able to wear regulars Foot pocket fins with out Pain, Once found Force Fin was Pain free.
Have used force fins since 1985
Force Fins are The Best Swim Fins in the World!
I’ve been using them for about thirty years!
It allowed me to swim almost like a fish.
And it’s saved my back, because swimming is the best exercise.
I am a PADI Master Diver. I have been diving for over twenty years in the California area. I was introduced to Force Fins when I was getting certified twenty years ago and have been wearing them ever since. I cannot say enough good things about these fins. They are comfortable, durable, fast and easily put on. I still have my original pair of Force Fins and they still perform. I don’t think many divers or dive shops are familiar with the Force Fins and their amazing features. While there are many fins in the scuba world, Force Fins exceed the competition in my opinion. I get asked every year what fins I wear and why. When they see the comfort, performance and durability then they know why. Thank you for a great product and 20+ years of comfortable diving.
Hello! I have the Force Fins and love using them, especially on travel! I have not been able to find the optimal booties/socks. What do you suggest? I wear size small and there is no room to wear a boot and my socks are too thin. Sometimes the straps fall down. Thank you!
Cindy – Am afraid that you need a larger size to fit a bootie into the foot pocket.
Are your Force Fins outfitted with nylon straps or bungie? https://forcefin.com/category/straps/
As you kick Force Fin pushes forward, forcing your foot further into the foot pocket. The nylon heel strap does not compress for this change, and a tug on the strap end a few minutes after to start kicking tightens it for the rest of your time in the water.
Bungie Heel straps will tighten up on their won, but If they are too long to start with, there is a video that shows you how to shorten: https://youtu.be/CvvLUxv1Nwo?si=vNKuItIAOarVEHao
Thank you – susanne the forcefin.com team
I can’t say enough about my Force Fins Pros.
So Ergonomic, so efficient, so little energy to move so far, so fast, and so comfortable!!!
When I’m swimming for speed and distance, I sometimes can’t believe how fast and far I’m swimming without running out of breath!
I look at my wake and it’s almost like I’ve got a little motor behind me.
And when I swim underwater, the efficiency of the fins allows me to swim long distances between breaths.
And its compact size allows me to carry it in a medium size backpack.
Terrific for traveling!
I treasure my Force Fin Pros for what it allows me to do in the ocean.
It all began with a scuba instructor my freshman year at the University of South Carolin studying Marine Biology. I bought my first pair of yellow Original Force Fins and after 36 years, guess I was one of the early days purchaser, now finally need a new pair! That is an amazing track record! They have been to many countries, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Northwest Pacific, Caribbean, Sea of Abacos, Belize, Azcores, to name a few. They have survived over 700 dives, 7 years snorkel instructor/boat captain of 53′ catamaran, 2 years dolphin instructor, and that is outside the numerous recreational adventures! I build my suitcase weight around my fins! I used to flash my yellow fins in a large sweeping loop above the water for visibility of the others in the water, and the boat to spot me. I will be getting an interim pair for now until the colors are back in. A huge thank you to you all there at Force Fin for keeping me safe and happily swimming for so many amazing adventures!! Now due to my aging back, I am going to start using them as I rebuild my muscles to hopefully return to being a terrestrial, although I am a much happier aquatic!
Cheers! See you in the water!