Look What We Found in Archeology Dig Through Storage.

This is an experimental model SD-1. It was produced at a high cost. We found 15 pairs in storage ready for delivery to some lucky divers. Tested for one year. Production models were updated away from the velcro strap system to avoid the velcro noise for our stealth divers.

We won an International design award sponsored by Stevens Urethane, Massachusetts (acquared by SWM International) for our patented manufacturing process. Sheet urethane is an exoskeleton in to which our custom cast polyurethane was pumped to fill out the fin structure and form. The Fab Force Line of fins were made without molds, as their outer skin layer of the fin is the mold.

Add a recycled tire sole plate. Very light weight 3.5 pounds and packs flat. Adjustable balistic foot pocket, which fits foot sizes 9-12. One added benefit is they float and hold leg in a neutral position when at rest.
ForceFin’s best selling products:
Comfort Instep$37.95
Bungie Heel Strap Replacement Kit$47.95 – $74.95
ORIGINAL FORCE FIN$329.95 – $349.95
SLIM FIN$289.95
PRO FORCE FIN$369.95 – $389.95
Adjustable Force Fin$389.95
Hello, do you have any literature or more history on the SD-1 fin? Was able to purchase a pair on ebay. Am in the military, was part of Air Force special ops squadron late 90’s/early 2000’s. My young sons love Navy Seals and military history, so any info on these unique fins would be appreciated! I am still rockin’ my blue Pros bought in Okinawa in the 90’s. Thanks guys!
how much did you pay ? and will take me time to tell my story. Will work on a SD-1 blog
I just ordered my first replacement pair of force fins in 20 years of diving. Didn’t know these were an option. Are they still for sale??.. Would love to show off some nice new foot ware this season.